Eka Santoso
President Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, 51 years old. Born in Surabaya 1973. Obtained his Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree at Jayabaya University, Jakarta in 2005.
Started his career at PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk in 1998. After that, he held various positions including Project Manager of Semarang - Bojonegoro Double Railway Construction, Project Manager of Surabaya - Mojokerto Toll Road Construction Section 4, Project Manager of Surabaya - Mojokerto Toll Road Construction Section 1B, 2 n 3, Project Manager of Porong Gempol Toll Road Construction Section 1, Division Manager 4 of General Civil Department 2, Director of Technic and Development of WIKAIKON in 2020-2023 and Vice President of WIKA Asset Management Division in 2023, Senior Vice President CQHSE Corporate Quality, Safety, Health and Environment 2023 - current.