The implementation of corporate governance is important for a company and it has a direct impact on a country's economy. PT Wijaya Karya Industri & Konstruksi is very aware of this, and always maintain a commitment to the effectiveness of corporate governance implementation. The Company's commitment to the implementation of corporate governance can be seen from the effectiveness of the governance structure it has and the governance processes that have been implemented. The Governance Structure and Governance Process have resulted in the achievement of Governance Outcomes in accordance with the expectations of the Company's stakeholders.

Basis for the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance

The implementation of GCG in the Company refers to several applicable provisions, namely:

  1. The Company's Articles of Association;
  2. Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies; Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 of 2001 concerning amendments to Government Regulation Number 12 of 1998 concerning Limited Liability Companies (Persero);
  3. Ministerial Regulation of the Ministry of the State-owned Enterprise Number: PER01/MBU/2011 dated 1 August 2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs and amendments to the SOE Ministerial Regulation Number: PER-09/MBU/2012 dated 6 July 2012.